‘Traditional Songs from Raasay and their value as Folk-Literature’, The Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness , vol. XXXIX/XL (1942-50), 176-92
‘Sgéalta as Albain’, Béaloideas: The Journal of the Folklore of Ireland Society , vol. XV (1945), 237-48
‘Gaidheil Eireann agus am Beul-Aithris’, Alba , vol. 1 (1948), 44-47
‘Hebridean Storytellers’, ARV: Journal of Scandinavian Studies , vol. 8 (1952), 120-29
‘Tales and Traditions among the Older Folk’, Old People’s Welfare Scottish Bulletin (July, 1954)
‘Death Divination in Scottish Folk Tradition’, The Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness , vol. XLII (1953-59), 56-67
‘Aonghus agus Donnchadh’, Gairm , air. 10 (An Geamhradh, 1954), 170-74
‘A Legend of the Cross,’ ARV: Journal of Scandinavian Studies , vol. 11 (1955), 150-51
‘Hebridean Traditions’, Gwerin: Journal of Folk Life , vol. 1, no. 1 (1956), 21-33
‘A Shetland Version of the Legend of Don Juan’, Shetland Folk Book , vol. 3 (1957), 65-67
‘Am Ministear agus an Claban’, Scottish Studies , vol. 1 (1957), 65-69
‘International Folk-Tales in the Archives’, Scottish Studies , vol. 2 (1958), 113-17
‘A Folk-Variant of Táin Bó Cúailnge from Uist’, ARV: Journal of Scandinavian Studies , vol. 15 (1959), 160-81
‘A Variant of the Charm of the Lasting Life from Uist’, Saga och Sed (1959), 75-78
‘An Donn Ghuailleann’, Gairm , air. 29 (Am Foghar, 1959), 67-71
The Highlands (London: Batsford, 1959) [repr. Inverness: Club Leabhar, 1975; Edinburgh: Mainstream, 1990, 2006]
‘Traditional Beliefs in Scotland’, Scottish Studies, vol. 3 (1959), 189-200
‘A Collection of Riddles from Shetland’, Scottish Studies , vol. 4 (1960), 150-86 [with Stewart F. Sanderson]
‘Fairy Stories from Lochaber’, Scottish Studies , vol. 4 (1960), 84-95
‘The Study of (the) Folklore’, An Gàidheal , vol. 55 (1960), 80-82; 104-06; 117-18
‘Is daor a cheannaich mi ‘n t-iasgach’, Scottish Gaelic Studies , vol. IX, pt. 1 (1961), 1-8
‘Folktale Studies in Scotland’, Internationaler Kongreß der Volkserzäh-lungsforscher in Kiel und Kophenhagen (19.8.-29.8.1959) (Berlin, 1961), 169-71
‘The Last Sheaf’, Scottish Studies , vol. 8 (1964), 193-207